A new model has joined us

Asato-kun (6 years old) has joined our group

To all our supporters of Colorful Models (kids with disabilities), thank you as always. This is Miki Uchiki from Hanahiraku.

We’re excited to introduce a new Colorful Model! Meet Asato-kun, who lives in the Southern Kanto region and has physical disabilities and severe intellectual disabilities.

Look at the sparkle in Asato-kun’s eyes! While walking and speaking are still difficult for him, there is no other 6-year-old who can show such a pure and beautiful expression when interacting with his favorite songs or people.

Would you consider featuring Asato-kun’s heartwarming smile in your company’s advertisements?

Starting this month, the obligation to provide reasonable accommodations has been enacted, but for society, people with disabilities still seem distant.

However, if opportunities to see children with disabilities increase through TV commercials or websites, and if the recognition spreads that “People with disabilities are a part of society, and that’s just normal,” this society will undoubtedly become kinder. As a result, people with disabilities will be able to go out and engage with the world more confidently.

We welcome inquiries and consultations from companies that share our vision for the future.

Be a disability friendly company and
get 1 billion fans of people living with disabilities

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.