Be a disability friendly company and get 1 billion fans of people with special needs
The SDGs goal which United Nations released in 2015 was "no one left behind". Does your "no one" include people with special needs?
I, the CEO of Hanahiraku, am a mother of a challenged child. My son has severe intellectual disability and autism.
In Japan, the image that society has for people with special needs is very dark, such as "unhappy", "miserable" and "poor". To be honest, I was one who had that image, too.
That is because we have no chance to see, know, and understand people with special needs. As a result, the big gap was created.
Therefore, we offer training about disability and introduce children models with special needs for companies ads, to give society a chance to know about disability and see people living with disabilities on a daily basis.
We believe if the company changes, the society will change.
According to The Valuable 500, 1 billion people across the world live with some form of disability.
This is 15% of the global population, in other words, 1 in 7 people have some special needs.
Even though 90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity,
only 4% of businesses are focused on making offerings inclusive of disability. Disability market is huge but still undeveloped.
95% of people with special needs and their families answered that they would like to visit.
According to our own survey of 102 people with special needs and their families about a supermarket which has started "quiet hour" ,
91% of them have got positive impression of the supermarket, and 95% of people out of that 91% answered that they would like to visit the supermarket.
Disability market is huge but undeveloped. People living with special needs are waiting for you to take the 1st step.
Knowledge improvement training
You can learn basic knowledge about disability and how to welcome people with special needs.
What kind of problems people with special needs have and what can help them shop more easily? We'll show you other countries' examples and consider what you can do for them together.
Challenged Kid Models
We are a specialize model agency for kids with special needs. We have many children with special needs and some of them are severe. We can prove to society that although they have delay, they can fly high if we could prepare the environment.
Our service will make you a disability friendly company and get 1 billions of fans
Our CEO is a mother of a severely disabled boy, so we can present people with ideas from the disabled side. Also, we can make use of international network and give you wider perspectives.
have 1 billions of people with special needs in the world and they will be your fans.
Improve Company Popularity
The number of companies which hire models with special needs for advertisement are just a few. Be a pioneer and you will get strong support from people with the same feelings.
Efforts on SDGs are one of the factors appplicants value. Be a disability friendly company and show your actions.
Be a disability friendly company and get 1 billion fans of people living with disabilities
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Our CEO Miki Uchiki's elder son has severe disability. That's why we can approach from unique and original perspectives which non-challenged people don't.
Network between parents with challenged children
Our SNS followers are over 5,000 and most of them are people who raise children with disabilities. We will make full use of this network and share ideas from the challenged side.
We are familiar with other countries' examples
The CEO used to work in the United States and our separate business operation interacts internationally. Therefore, we can reserch foreign companies' disability aids and introduce the adaptable ideas.